Okay…so an apt title would have been “of sleepless nights, bad cold, trashy vocabulary and writers block”. But I'm not known for my preciseness and conciseness for nothing. Hence the title “Of Loadsa Stuffs”…quite sensible…I know!
It is 2:30 pm and did I tell you I have been sneezing nonstop? I knew this was coming. Almost two months since my last cold. Yes the flu has a special time table just for me.
So I was tossing and turning in my bed,having run out of all the pretty pink thoughts ,when I had this inexplicable urge to unleash the creativity within and that’s how I wrote the poem…that too within 5 minutes…sneezing nonstop.
Another thing I constantly suffer from, apart from cold, is the “writers block kinda thingy”. Well, actually the " block”… I have it always! But at unlikely times like this I have the “writers thingy”! Yes!
Heck no! Haven’t finished the poem yet…one more word… now what was that word? I'm looking for a better word for “a bottomless pit” into which my teenage delinquent who happens to be the subject of the said poem, can fall into?
The silent night in its entirety is a little scary. I hate all the peacefully-sleeping-souls! Spooky dreams all! Yea, I’m a sadistic misanthrope…only during flu-times though…an altruist every other day of the year! :)
I know this is getting ridiculously random. So the poem is supposed to be the musings of a drug addict…incase you couldn’t figure out…which is very likely considering my astute poesy.
Now what was that darn word…bottomless pit…in the tip of my tongue…but it has decided to stay put it seems. *sneeze*
The prospects of going back to sleep seem rather dim. Now this is “scribbles”…well ”scriibles” actually. Well Microsoft word, it ain't no spelling mistake. It is because some creative soul thought along the same lines when my train of thoughts was still boarding at the station. I don’t mind an extra “I” anyway…after all its an “I”!
A bad cold in all its atrocities can make your life as well as your food implausibly bland. And apparently your writings random. So I have a sour throat, puffy eyes, a red nose like thingy, and a bleak life. Can I push someone off a cliff? Someone? Anyone? No one?:( You can use a parachute…just don’t let me see it *sneeze*
Now I’m officially desperate! I know…the world laughing at my abysmal despair *sigh*. Ah yes… abyss… u bottomless pit!!! Gotcha!!
I think I'd rather hit the bed now
Sneezing away to glory
Yours truly
It is 2:30 pm and did I tell you I have been sneezing nonstop? I knew this was coming. Almost two months since my last cold. Yes the flu has a special time table just for me.
So I was tossing and turning in my bed,having run out of all the pretty pink thoughts ,when I had this inexplicable urge to unleash the creativity within and that’s how I wrote the poem…that too within 5 minutes…sneezing nonstop.
Another thing I constantly suffer from, apart from cold, is the “writers block kinda thingy”. Well, actually the " block”… I have it always! But at unlikely times like this I have the “writers thingy”! Yes!
Heck no! Haven’t finished the poem yet…one more word… now what was that word? I'm looking for a better word for “a bottomless pit” into which my teenage delinquent who happens to be the subject of the said poem, can fall into?
The silent night in its entirety is a little scary. I hate all the peacefully-sleeping-souls! Spooky dreams all! Yea, I’m a sadistic misanthrope…only during flu-times though…an altruist every other day of the year! :)
I know this is getting ridiculously random. So the poem is supposed to be the musings of a drug addict…incase you couldn’t figure out…which is very likely considering my astute poesy.
Now what was that darn word…bottomless pit…in the tip of my tongue…but it has decided to stay put it seems. *sneeze*
The prospects of going back to sleep seem rather dim. Now this is “scribbles”…well ”scriibles” actually. Well Microsoft word, it ain't no spelling mistake. It is because some creative soul thought along the same lines when my train of thoughts was still boarding at the station. I don’t mind an extra “I” anyway…after all its an “I”!
A bad cold in all its atrocities can make your life as well as your food implausibly bland. And apparently your writings random. So I have a sour throat, puffy eyes, a red nose like thingy, and a bleak life. Can I push someone off a cliff? Someone? Anyone? No one?:( You can use a parachute…just don’t let me see it *sneeze*
Now I’m officially desperate! I know…the world laughing at my abysmal despair *sigh*. Ah yes… abyss… u bottomless pit!!! Gotcha!!
I think I'd rather hit the bed now
Sneezing away to glory
Yours truly
wow u wrote all dis just to find an abyss,
der r so many things yet to be found ~~
wht r u looking for nexr~?
you write quite well. i would read it more often if all the pink didnt hurt my eyes so much :)
birju..i'll let u knw..okay?:O
che..na dun bother:)
Aaatttccchhhooooooo....! That was quiet a good read! ;)
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